(05872) 255780 / +91-9415168396

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

  • The school year starts from April.
  • The promotion of a student will depend on the average marks of periodical tests and the Annual Examination.
  • 75% Attendance is completion for students. Those students lacking in regularity, punctuality and completion of daily work will not be eligible for appearing in the examination.
  • Make-up test, re-test will not be held for being absent on any ground. In case of absence on account of illness, the general performance of the student in the class will be taken into consideration
  • The assessment made by the teacher and checked by the Principal is final. No request by parents for undeserving promotions will be entertained.
  • Parents are advised to see and sigh the daily Home Work Diary, answer paper of tests will be shown to the parents.
  • No leave is permissible during Examination / tests. However leave on medical grounds supported by a Medical Certificate may be considered at the discretion of the Principal.
  • A student failing in the class twice will not be permitted to continue in the School. Pass Marks in each subject will be 60%.
  • Strict regularity, punctuality, obedience, maintaining school discipline, courtesy, cleanliness & hygiene, proper care of books and school property is expected from every students.
  • Fines may be imposed by the Principal for damage done to the school property.
  • The names of the students who remain absent without leave for 10 days will be struck off without intimation. Re-admission fee will be charged.
  • A students whose name has been struck off for absence and has been habitually late of careless or indiscipline may not be Re-Admitted.
  • Every student must be present on the re-opening week after each vacation. There will be tests after summer vacation.
  • The Principal has a right to suspend a students for constant negligence of work, discourteous to teachers, breach of school discipline. Habitual offenders are liable for punishment and expulsion.
  • For withdrawal of a student form the school one-month notice must be given in
  • The student should be in the school before the bell for morning assembly. Late arrivals after the first five minutes may not be admitted to class without the Principal’s permission.
  • Wearing of the school uniform is obligatory, no jewelry is to be worn, no make up of any kind is to be used.
  • Parents are forbidden to enter the classroom or talk to the teachers during the class hours.
  • Private tuitions by staff members are strictly banned.
  • Every student when called upon to attend extra classes or to take part in school functions, sports, cultural activities literary activities must do so. Failures on the part of the student may entail. Punishment, disciplinary action.
  • Every student should bring the school diary daily.
  • Every student is expected to come to school neatly dressed and wear the name badge on the front pocket.
  • Exchange of articles between the students in not allowed.
  • Children are not allowed to bring to the school, transistor, storybooks, magazines or comics. Mobile phones are not permitted.
  • Parents are requested to see the school diary daily. The parents should counter sign remarks made in the diary.